2022 Plant Sale

Plant Sale Flier (1) (1)

Here is a full list of plants that will be available during our sale!

May 7th & 14th


1003 Ginter Ave, Iowa City

If you’re gonna be late, no big deal. Call Jon at 319-471-0807

We specialize in growing edible perennials, trees and shrubs that are well adapted to the local climate, easy to grow,  and add beauty to the landscape.  To pre-order your plants call 319-471-0807 or email jonyagla@gmail.com.

Here are a few photos of the plants we have available taken at our farm or in the neighborhood by Jenni!

Nanking Cherry TreeNanking Cherry Tree

Sour cherryNanking Cherry Flowers

BeebalmsBee Balm




Providing healthy food, Sustaining the land, Empowering our community